Miss Rachel and a little someone called A... |
Losing Streak is a band out of Holland, Pennsylavania. You decide what you want to call them. A young band, Losing Streak's goals are to make music they are proud of and eventually "make it" someday. Yeah, maybe.........
Track Ourder
1.This Whole Freakin' CD Is About...w
2.Battle at Ft. Sumter
3.Don't Ever
4.Dumb Joke
5.An Old Episode
Thanks for everything, tell the world! NEWS:
11/02/03- This is my list, Of the thank-you's that I never got to say, In no specific order, and if I forgot you, dont take it personally, it is late and night and anyone who knows me knows first and foremost how much of a complete space-out I am (straight edge rock it , of course). Anyways, The whole Richards family, the whole Shields family, The whole Mullin and Benedetto Families, and to me most importantly my family. From day 1 our parents have more than amazingly supporting. Think about it, every single show we had, which at highpoints could be two to three times a month, our parents would drop all of their plans, drive us and our equipment to a show, either wait there, or come back, and drive it all home. The Richards, tolerating us practically living there for the length of time the band was together. More importantly giving us until 10 on weekend nights, and letting us practice every day, no matter how much the whole house would shake. The three most dedicated losing streak kids- Kurt Hendrix, Doug Farber, and most importantly Ian Sims. I will honestly say this band may not have been anything without these people, Ian especially. NO matter how many shows all of you went to, I an was there, and no matter if the crowd was a weak 40 or strong 200 at polanka, the kid in the center of the pits, the kid that started the crowd going was Ian Sims. Now, in not specific order, since I am running out of room, the following people are extremely special to me but I have no room for explanation- THE OLD WU including the lovely Ms. Kirk, Tracey, Jess, and Alicia. Beth and Sharon. Wendy, Steff and Julie. WAC- you all know who they are. Hubris, Point Blank, Hopewell, Eom, the members of those bands have all been great supporters. Amanda for stalking us from our first show, the first Battle of the Bands. The Dovidios, Andrew is the reason we had most of our shows. Of Course Five Days Ahead, ATM, Zolof, and the great local music that made me jealous at shows. Everybody Else, you know who you are. And I appreciate all of you to the fullest. But thank you Mike, Ryan , and Trey for being my only and closest friends for the past however many years. I no longer have a life or anything to do on the weekends. But watch out. Mike is in Strikeout Semester, Ryan is in Fairview, and you know nobody could sit on their ass for long. Much love all. Thanks for letting me be corny for a little. -Alex M. Handfinger Ryan-Couldn't have said it any better. Thank you all of the above.
10/8/03- New song up on Mp3, my personal favorite of the new slew of recordings we got done with Vince and Rachel of Zolof and Skylight Recordings. Sounds great hope you enjoy. Spread the word, I didn't even know it was up. On a side note: New Coheed Cd a must buy.
9/27/03- Thirteen. See it now. You must. Highly recommended.
9/15/03- They said it would never happen, at least I did, but its true. Losing Streak has a cd, or ep if you will. So that might be making its way into people's hands sometime in the upcoming months, sit back, relax. I mean we have all waited way too long for it, whats another month. Just to hold you over a song will be posted up on our little ol' mp3.com site in a couple of days. So look out, and things are going to start to get interesting.
PS..Yes I do love you...
9/14/03- Ah, I'd love to wear a rainbow every day, And tell the world that everything's OK, But I'll try to carry off a little darkness on my back, 'Till things are brighter, I'm the Man In Black." - Johnny Cash, R.I.P.
9/13/03- Battle of the Bands tonight at 6! PLEASE GO!!!!! If it rains DURING the show, then the raindate will be tomorrow, same deal. If it's not raining at 6, then the show is still on.
9/8/03- Happy Birthday Trey!!!!
9/7/03- "Something that infects your mind is never less than just a thought
We have tried to put together all those lost feelings
Now we are left with just regret"
P.S. It's somebody's birthday tomorrow...
9/2/03- Personal Reflection -"I can't get no satisfaction" Yeah, another summer has gone by and once again school starts up tomorrow. In the end I have to say I am not entirely satisfied with everything. Cause this whole summer consisted of a band, a girl, a lie, and a good concert. Thats it right there for me... K, maybe I am being a little down on it, but tomorrow is the end of freedom, when I haven't even felt it, and this is what an ending is, but I can't even remember what I began with...
Uh oh...some possible emo lyrics in the making...who knows...
There were great times, but they were to far apart...
Hope everyone had a great summer and I can't wait till next year, cause guess what some of the Losing Streak boys will be driving...
Once again be prepared for some great changes around here...
Captain T-Dog
8/31/03 - New things are going to be happening around here...stay tuned....lets be really mysterious...ooooo...
8/28/03- Hey I felt this site needed another update. This is Phil giving you a little update. So i'm here with 2/4's of losing streak and we are having fun. Tonight we did a little karaoke. Me Ryan and Mickey lit up applebees with our stirring rendetion of "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias. All in all it was a fun night, special thanks go out to the Kirks(The plump one and the shar one), Alicia Keefe, and Jennifer Gerson. Later Days.
-Phil(with a little help from Ry Guy)
8/22/03-Well just a little side note....we kinda....uhhhhh...I dunno if I should say this....made....the....BATTLE OF THE BANDS FOR BENSALEM!! September 13th!! We go on third so everyone come this year to rock out and actually come up to the stage cause that would be grrrrrrrrreaat.
8/15/03- Well, just got news in that the 9/5 show at Fraternal is cancelled. :-/ Looks like our next schedualed show is the one at sacred but we might play at northampton days so keep an eye out. -Ryan
8/13/03- Do your self a favor and head on over to www.straylightrun.com and listen to them. I love it, no, seriously....
8/12/03- On a side note.... over 10000 hits. I mean think about that. 10000, everytime you come to this site that is just 1. Crazzzzy.
::Update:: Just found out that two more bands are playing the 24th show. Mark My Words and Never the Less. 8/10/03- Well, so far I don't think we practiced since I left for Italy :-\. Hopefully later this week we will begin our practice sessions. Also, I am going to try and write for the mailing list at least once a week so please, sign up! Two shows coming up that we know of, please go and support us and all the other local bands. Thanks! -Ryan
8/4/03- Hello everyone and welcome. I have returned from all of my little excursions and I'd just like to say that L to the Streak has done it again. Well, not really but we are all home and ready to groove like no other. -RyRYRYGUY
P.S We gotta start adding more colors!
SPECIAL: A party to end all parties is about to go down on August 17th, thanks to Brianna Dovidioso. Everyone is invited feel free to contact her at Savemeakiss44. This will be a good time, and Happy Birthday to her when it comes.
Good Times Will Collide.
7/30/03- Today is a good day.
Trey....shhhhh its a secret. |