Losing Streak

Battle at Ft. Sumpter (Props to Myers)

$'s & O's

An Old Episode

Dumb Joke

Don't Ever


Battle at Ft. Sumter

(Props to Myers!!!)

T. Shields


You have to try

You have to try

Just stop the lying!!!


Tell her when the words are on the tip of your tongue

You got nothing to lose, lifes not meant to hold back

Id rather be tied next to a burning flame

So you could come and join me and see the sacrifice I have made

And help me

Write away these feelings I have instead of facing the eyes I want to pierce


Something that infects your mind is never less than just a thought

We have tried to put together all those lost feelings

Now we are left with just regret


Come on just give in

To those rusted thoughts have never spoken the truth

Just face it

Your in love 


Stab me with your pennnnn

Now isnt that romantic!?


It brings me down to the minute hand

That lies within my fifteen minutes of fame

Of what I felt

When youre presence was near

Youve lost it all

And follow the most passionate dreams

Of others that have cum before


The awesome part

Whether it be your favorite star

To carry you to your death or dying expectations

You have to try

That Emo Life 

T. Shields


I Know You Have Problems Like Everyone Else
You always Try To Turn Them Into Something They're Not
And Im Sick Of Hearing About The Things You Want
I Know Your Just trying To Be Intresting

Stories of Betrayal and Broken Hearts
Its Always From You Where They Seem To Start
You Need To Realize What You're Doing To Yourself
Just Take A Step Back And Forget All The Lies
Whoahooahohaohaohaohao That Emo Life
Whahahooahoahoahohao And Im Sick Of It

When You Act Like This It Really Doesnt Help Me
It Seems That You Get Tears Easily
Why Cant You Just Back Off For Once
Whatever Happened To Believing In Trust


*Musical credits, Kurt Hendrix and Losing Streak. Everything else written by Losing Streak



Dumb Joke

T. Shields


I realize that your bringing me down

And I just have to say these words to you

About how I'm better off not knowing

About all those things you seem to do

So let me go easy without a fight

Just don't act surprised



I'm leaving tonight

Can only stay here for too long

Before I start to die

You brought us down

From the very beginning

Please leave me alone


The aftermath is way too puzzling

Confusion often leads to misery

We should go our separate ways

I think I would like to start today