Birthday: December 31, 1988
Position in Band: Lead Vocals/Lead Guitar
Favorite Band(s): Too many! Let's see.....Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, The Starting Line, Something Corporate, Yellowcard, Finch, Thrice, Less Than Jake, Home Grown, Midtown, Dashboard Confessional, Rufio, Thursday, Rx Bandits, any 80's hair metal, and many more.
Favorite Movie(s): All Kevin Smith Movies, Monty Python(all), Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, The Matrix, SpaceBalls, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings(all....well, once they all come out i guess), SLC Punk, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Spinal Tap, Waynes World(not two), Surf Ninjas, Bill and Teds Exellent Adventure, Fast Times at Rigmont High, Crossroads, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee movies are amazing, and probably some more.
Favorite Food: Definitly Cheesecake
Favorite Tv Show: The Simpsons,Dragonball Z, and Family Guy.
Most Embarrassing Moment: Being seen with Ryan in public(constantly)
Comments: Thank you so much to Andrew from 5 Days Ahead and MikeKelly from Pennington for giving us so much support and opportunity, and to all our friends and family who support us constantly. I love you.
Quote: "You could slit my throat and with my one last gasping breath I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt."
-Taking Back Sunday-
"I hope the next boy that you kiss has something terribly contagious on his lips."
-Brand New-
~Michael A. Mullin~
Birthday: May 11, 1788
Position in Band: Drummer
Favorite Bands: Weezer, Operation Ivy, The Specials, Radiohead, The Heist, The Skatalites, Glassjaw, Steve Reich, The Special Goodness, The Velvet Underground, The Beach Boys, The Flaming Lips, Taking Back Sunday, 5 Days Ahead, Pennington, Zolof, The Beatles, Flogging Molly, Ozma, NOFX, Avant Garde, Reel Big Fish, Megan Sexton, Millencolin, Phantom Planet, and many more.
Favorite Movies: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Chasing Amy, SLC Punk, Panic Room, Crouching Tiger, Save the Last Dance, Any Disney Channel Original movies especially: Brink, Halloween Town II (Calabar's revenge), Motocrossed, Johnny Tsunami, Jumping Ship, Cadet Kelly, Tru Confessions, and some more.
Favorite Tv Show: Even Stevens, Lizzy Mcguire, Survivor, The Bachelor, Boy Meets World, Saved By the Bell, Smart Guy, Real World, Road Rules, The Osbournes, Some more.
Hobbies: Counterstrike!!!, Counterstrike, Eating, Sleeping, and Playing Drums.
Favorite Foods: PASTA, Einstein's Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Sandwich, Ice Cream, Cheese Steak(although I'm a vegatarian), Elios, Velveta
Favorite Pasta Dish: Fresco Ravioli con Fresco Pomadoro Sugo(made by Mama)
Most Embarrassing Moment: I don't really get embarrassed, but I almost got arrested for mooning the people of Richboro.
Quote: "...But all my words come back to me in shades of mediocrity" -Paul Simon "Our evolution has gone a way of hate".
-Operation Ivy
"Hey Sunshine. I haven't seen you in a longtime. Why don't you show your face and bend my mind". -Paul Simon
Birthday: November 27, 1987
Position in Band: Being Alex/A minute amount of backup vocals/I think i play guitar too.
Favorite Bands: Does it matter? TBS, TSL, Old No Doubt stuff, Midtown, Weezer, Rufio, some local stuff like Five Days Ahead, Pennington, Zolof, and countless others
Old Band Names: 2 Many, Decent At Least, Suburban Riot, Good Times Collide, 4Gether.
Favorite Movies: The matrix, Braveheart, Lord of the Rings /Star Wars/Indiana Jones, Jackass.
Favorite Foods: Bacon/Ranch Dressing/Sushi
Tv Shows: Family guy (canceled), Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Even Stevens, Malcom in the Middle
Most Embarrassing Moment: Being a male cheerlea........... i don't really get embarassed that much actually
Quote: "I must confess that my loneliness, is kiling me now, don't you know i still believe, that you will be hear, and give me a sign, hit me baby one more time"
-Brittney Spears-
"You gotta be shittin me"
-Alex M. Handfinger-
Birthday: September 8th, 1987
Position in Band: Lead Bassist/ Vocals
Favorite Bands: Taking Back Sunday, BRAND NIZZLE, (Deja Entendu), Midtown, RX BANDITS, Weezer, No Doubt, Finch, Thursday, Coheed, Thrice, Straylight Run (yeah they are new, but soo soo soo good), Michelle Nolan...hmmmm...
Favorite Movies: Goodfellas, Can't Hardly Wait, Star Wars, Almost Famous, The Matrix, Lord of The Rings, Godfather, All those Kevin Smith Movies, Indiana Jones, Disney movies, Vacation Movies, Mission Impossible, anything except bad movies...
Favorite Dance Dance Song: Drop The Bomb, Dynamite Rave, Boom Boom Dollar, La Senorita, Sandstorm, any song by Naoki, and The Spice Girl sound alike one...
Favorite Food: I am a sushi kinda guy and any kind of Japanese, Chinese, Thai...
TV Shows: Buffy. Enough said. (There's others too, just look at the the other three's favs.
Most Embarrassing Moment: I dunno, it's kinda sad I really can't think of any thing, but hears a pretty good one. About 5 years ago I was flying by myself, but the flight attendant screwed up my time schedule and my plane had already left the terminal. Well instead of me being moved to another flight they called the plane back from the runway which delayed the flight about 30 minutes. It was pretty interesting walking down the asile with everyone of the 200 and some passengers staring at you.
"I would walk 500 miles,
and I would walk 500 more.
Just to be the man who walked 1,000 miles
To fall down at your door"
-The Proclaimers-
"Keep It Cool"